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Let love grow

Almost 400 people in need had the luxury to do a little shopping last February 25, 2017 at The Street Store @ Sto. Domingo Church! That's more than double the shoppers at the first Street Store we hosted. Yay!

We're overwhelmed by the number of donations we received; the pop-up store was overstocked that we afforded to increase the maximum number of items per person from 3 to 5, which means at least 2,000 items were given away - 4 folds higher than the 500 items we gave away previously.

Along with 25 volunteers, we were able to set-up, manage and run the store, as well as assist the less fortunate in their shopping from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM.

We are excited to share that the event got featured in! Click here to read the full article.

A heartfelt thank you

We would love to thank the organizers, the volunteers and all the donors for helping out the homeless community with so much love. Taking the time out of your day to help others is one of the most special things that you can do. We hope to see more Street Stores in the Philippines soon!

-Kayli, Founder

One of the shoppers I assisted today was a little boy aged 9. Like everybody else, he can select 5 items top. When we were going around the store, he kept on picking items that were too big for him. I was curious so I asked him why. He said "birthday po ng tatay ko bukas"... It is the heartwarming moments like this that make our efforts and contributions priceless. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to everyone who donated and took the time to hang up and help out!

-Jana, Organizer

Survival.I've had this running assumption that when you donate to the homeless, they will immediately accept it. Interestingly I had a conversation with a friend on the act of donating. She asked me why I think this group of people are entitled to choose. Then and there, she made me realize that it's the very same reason I can. We're all entitled to choose out of all the options laid out for us. And what piques my interest is that they have survived the ordeals of every day life on their own. And that they're able to find options and alternatives when they need to.

-Gen, Organizer


What The Street Store Volunteers are saying

This kind of project is very refreshing since it takes on a different concept. The 'shoppers' were able to pick clothes and items that they wanted. It wasn't simply accepting what was given to them. This time they were given the luxury of choice.

I'm exhausted but happy. I learned to be more grateful in every blessing I receive.

It makes me happy that we got to make other people happy; it's as simple as that. The smiles on their faces made our efforts worth it.


The Street Store is the world's first rent-free, premises-free, free pop-up clothing store for the homeless, found entirely on the street and stocked by donations. This movement started in Cape Town, Africa on January 2014 and has spread all over the world.

[email protected] ||


To Create Good, one does not need to look further from what one already has - what we have can easily be something others can have too.

Create Good's initiatives are spurred by the act of reusing and repurposing existing, pre-owned goods with the aim of sending a resounding and relevant message that urges this generation redefine how we can create good.

Say [email protected]